Man, On Purpose:

a group program with Kristina McFadden

A 3 month transformational journey to somatic, emotional, and sexual vibrancy.
Starting July 2021

You’ve never felt support like this.

Get ready to unlock your inner “super hero”– emotionally and sexually vibrant, disciplined, and heart-centered. A man, on purpose.

But this isn’t just a solo journey. Join a curated group of like-minded men all there to feel supported and understood, who are done with the narrative of “figuring it out alone”. Guided by professional coaches and sexuality experts, we welcome you to the most epic adventure that exist – the journey into the depths of you.

  • 6 Custom 1 on 1 breakthrough sessions that target your personal development goals.
  • 6 Deep dive sessions with leaders in sexuality and personal development.
  • 6 Group calls to build awareness around the pillars of masculinity.
  • 1 PRIVATE FB group to foster brotherhood on a level many men don’t have.

The Program.

No more excuses to not play full out. Let’s transform, and let’s do it together.


Coming back to the body

Let’s figure how to be a human being, not a human doing! Learn how attuning to the body liberates emotions–revealing limiting beliefs and old stories that are ready to be healed. This new somatic awakening will provide the key foundational elements for understanding and unlocking YOU. Expect to immerse yourself in daily practices, radical accountability, support, and a new wisdom that will re-train your ideas of masculinity.


From shame to sensual mastery

Your sexuality is your superpower, but a lifetime of conditioning, shame, and lack of intimacy has made men feel hungry or a slave to their urges. When running optimally, you’re in the driver seat of your sexuality, not the other way around. Let’s explore deeply with somatic and sexual experts on tuning into the body’s natural cues, begin to TRUST turn-on, and release outcome (pun intended).


Emotional maturity and confidence with women

Here’s the secret sauce with women – they ONLY trust you when your communication, energy, and actions are in alignment. Yet staying in integrity is hard if you’re conditioned to disengage your feelings. Once you commit to staying tapped into your new primal intelligence, you’ll never feel the need to betray your needs again. Trusting your heart and pelvis, you’ll authentically connect without abandoning yourself or losing confidence, no matter the outcome. The result is the most vibrant full expression of you–better emotional health, better sex, and better connection to the feeling world around you.


Serving men in their transformation is my calling. This is what I live for.

"Kristina's attentiveness and kindness is only paralleled by her wonderful intuition and a deep understanding of the human condition. Working and sharing talks with her has helped me a lot in understanding myself and the role my past has played in shaping my own self and understanding what to do with what I've been given in life. Thank you!"

Rufus M

"I feel so lucky to have Kristina assist me in my evolution. I felt stuck and desperately needed help reinventing myself, and she was able to guide me through challenges I struggled with for years. Her guidance was exactly what I needed to break through layers of self doubt and shame.

If you are looking to break through fears, learn about self, and supercharge your evolution, Kristina is an invaluable resource."

Marko L

Transformation is waiting.

I want you playing full out, love. And that means leaving behind old narratives of…

Are you:

  • Struggling with dating, yet feel like you’re offering a lot?
  • Finding it hard or scary to drop into vulnerability in relationships?
  • Choosing unavailable women?
  • Afraid of “speaking your truth” in relationships?
  • Thinking you’re pretty great, but still find quality relationships or love elusive?

This is for men that are interested in:

  • Connecting more authentically with women
  • Getting out of the “friend zone”
  • Feeling more confident in all areas of life
  • Feeling deeply connected to your body, your power, and your partner(s)
  • Feeling safe with your emotions, especially anger
  • Dropping shame from your narrative and FINALLY trusting your turn-on
  • Living more vibrantly, and playing full out in life

Kristina is not full of shit, and if you know me that’s the highest compliment I can give. It took me a very long time to find a coach who would listen but not let me coast and would be non-judgemental but share an opinion when needed. And her somatic focus has been helpful on its own and as a complement to my other practices. I’ve made great progress after working with her only a few months.

Jeremy T.Entrepreneur

Ready for more?

Schedule an intro call to learn more about how I can support your journey.